
Controller Recommended!


Camera: Right Stick/Move Mouse

Focus Ability: Circel/LCTRL

Pitch Up: Pull Left Stick Down/S

Pitch Down: Push Left Stick Up/W

Yaw Right: Push Left Stick Right/D

Yaw Left: Push Left Stick Left/A

Roll: R1,L1/ E,Q

My first Game Jam ever :D You play as a snake in a 3d space. You will need to avoid hitting the walls at all costs! Hitting the snake parts is okay but you should still avoid! 

Third Person Camera from the asset:

Sound design was from

Music is from

Icons shown in the controls ui fom:


Download 32 MB

Install instructions

Unzip and run the unity exe "Sanke3d.exe"


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love the music!!

The camera controls are incredibly confusing

using the mouse as a camera control? or how so?

I just found it difficult to point to where I wanted the camera to go. This made it difficult to tell how far apart I was from the walls and food. I think a more static camera, or a first person camera pov would fit the game better.